Should I hire a freelancer or a translation agency?

It’s difficult to choose a language service provider or freelancer when you don’t know much about the translation process. Having worked both directly with clients and through agencies as intermediaries, I can offer some insight into what type of provider might be best for your project. It’s better to work with a freelancer if: –Continue reading “Should I hire a freelancer or a translation agency?”

Could you please direct me to the space train station? New Space in Germany.

In honour of my much-anticipated viewing of the first two episodes of Star Trek: Picard this evening, I spent a few hours today idly Googling the German space industry. Best takeaway so far: the German word for spaceport is “Weltraumbahnhof,” which means space train station. My first instinct was that this difference reflects the historicalContinue reading “Could you please direct me to the space train station? New Space in Germany.”